Im not here for a long time... Im here for a good time!

“Live every act fully, as if it were your last…” –Buddha. My name is Paul Longo; this blog is to share my personal experiences, hobbies, travels, and encounters of my life with the world and those of you that are interested. Life is too short, it’s a saying we hear on a daily basis and the reality of the matter is it's true! It is so easy to get caught up in a daily struggle to create the “perfect” life that sometimes the best parts of it all are passing us by on the quest to the top of a peak less mountain. How do we measure success? How does one define a fulfilled life? I have no idea and I am not going to pretend that I have those answers because I don’t, but I do have an opinion! Grow up, go to college, get a job, get a wife, have kids, travel within your means, get old, die, and repeat… not so much. We are only here once, we only get one chance to experience the everyday beauty that life has to offer and it is our job to enjoy every minute of that! Every second we waste not living life to our maximum potential is not only unfair to the people that put us here, but wasted time we can NEVER get back! Chase a dream, follow your heart instead of your head once in a while, be spontaneous, take chances, and create ways to make responsibility a fun priority as opposed to forced misery. I’m no preacher; I’m just a kid that enjoys everything no matter how simple it may be and constantly strives to make the best of any situation. I make a continuous effort everyday to keep a positive attitude and not let the insignificant things drag me down to a miserable reality. Work hard, play hard, but most importantly have fun, help people along the way, appreciate all that you have and never give up on the things that you want in your life. ENJOY!

I want to thank my family and friends that have made it possible for me experience all that I have over the last 25 years… I dedicate this site to my parents Paul and Renee Longo for sacrificing SO much for their children and teaching me to always appreciate the little things in life. I love you both and thanks for having me!

Make the world turn,
-Paul Longo

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Profile:Mark Drumm

If you are fortunate enough in life once in a great while you meet someone that no matter how hard you try and no matter what you say, you simply can’t even begin to describe him or her that in any way does them justice. Someone so funny and so much fun there comes a time when you just shake your head and say “if you’re lucky one day you’ll meet him and that’s all I can say.” That person for me is Mark Joseph Drumm (Capricorn!) In airports to supermarkets, churches to barrooms, with strangers to siblings, infants to elders, from Ireland to Everest, New York to Amsterdam I have never been anywhere or done anything with this man than didn’t result in a priceless story. We’ve had fist fights, food fights, airplane flights, city lights, 4am in the sea, driving fast couldn’t see, been in places we shouldn’t be, how were still alive is a fucking mystery…Mark, or “Drummy” as he is better known to the world, and I have been great friends for the last 4 years or so hanging 10 mainly in NYC and Ireland. Drumm recently bought a bar in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland called Magee’s Spirit Store that is doing amazing under his New York inspired reign. Without sounding like a complete homosexual this dude is literally the most generous genuine human I have ever met in my life. I lived at his house in Ireland, drove his M3 on the wrong side of the road the entire time I was there, worked in his bar, partied with his crew every single night, went to my first soccer match in Dublin with his season tickets, had the most amazing trip of my life…..and came home with the same amount of money I went with, plus a kangaroo jacket and a lifetime of stories. This is my first profile post to shed some light on the people I share my adventures with and considering the blog was inspired by my travels with this dude I figured its only right he was the first. Mark is the funniest man alive and literally would find a way to have fun and make the best of a child’s funeral. He would give you the shirt off his back if he likes you and would tell you straight to your face if he didn’t. He defines the saying work hard play hard and constantly betters the morals of everyone in his presence with his retarded behavior and constant movie quoting. I have SO many funny amazing stories about this man I hope I live long enough to tell them all. I could go on for hours about how I once saw him jump on the back of a garbage truck loaded at 4am thinking it stopped at every block only to find himself holding on to the side rail for dear life swinging around like a ragdoll at 50 MPH…thank god for that red light dude. I could easily construct an entire blog around telling stories like the time we were partying in Amsterdam for fashion week and Alex and I convinced the doorman that he was Irish royalty and had him escorted through a crowd of 400 people to the front door. This is one of those times where I just have to shake my head and say if you’re lucky one day you’ll meet him. The video I posted is after a night of us working at Magee’s and drummy entertaining a few lady friends and me with a dance to the Irish anthem 2010. It’s just a taste of the constant fun loving attitude he has all the time, especially at 4am! Thank you for everything brother, I love you to death!

Burn out, don’t fade away...
-Mark Drumm

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