Im not here for a long time... Im here for a good time!

“Live every act fully, as if it were your last…” –Buddha. My name is Paul Longo; this blog is to share my personal experiences, hobbies, travels, and encounters of my life with the world and those of you that are interested. Life is too short, it’s a saying we hear on a daily basis and the reality of the matter is it's true! It is so easy to get caught up in a daily struggle to create the “perfect” life that sometimes the best parts of it all are passing us by on the quest to the top of a peak less mountain. How do we measure success? How does one define a fulfilled life? I have no idea and I am not going to pretend that I have those answers because I don’t, but I do have an opinion! Grow up, go to college, get a job, get a wife, have kids, travel within your means, get old, die, and repeat… not so much. We are only here once, we only get one chance to experience the everyday beauty that life has to offer and it is our job to enjoy every minute of that! Every second we waste not living life to our maximum potential is not only unfair to the people that put us here, but wasted time we can NEVER get back! Chase a dream, follow your heart instead of your head once in a while, be spontaneous, take chances, and create ways to make responsibility a fun priority as opposed to forced misery. I’m no preacher; I’m just a kid that enjoys everything no matter how simple it may be and constantly strives to make the best of any situation. I make a continuous effort everyday to keep a positive attitude and not let the insignificant things drag me down to a miserable reality. Work hard, play hard, but most importantly have fun, help people along the way, appreciate all that you have and never give up on the things that you want in your life. ENJOY!

I want to thank my family and friends that have made it possible for me experience all that I have over the last 25 years… I dedicate this site to my parents Paul and Renee Longo for sacrificing SO much for their children and teaching me to always appreciate the little things in life. I love you both and thanks for having me!

Make the world turn,
-Paul Longo

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Irish Moon!

The North of Ireland is literally one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen in my life and i have seen a lot of places. The rolling hills of green laced with veins of gray stone walls under a reddish blue afternoon sky is breathtaking. Yesterday my dear friend and Emerald Isle guide Mark Drumm, ventured about 20 miles north of his hometown to an ancient castle called Monea Castle. The landscape was perfect, an amazing ruined stone structure surrounded by white stone walls, placed on top of a hill overlooking fields now occupied by cows and horses. The smell of the pines after an early Irish rain fills the air, the setting sun tries to peak through the thick blanket of storm clouds one last time before it retires for the evening and the grazing beasts are making their way home. After taking some photos of the broken down stone spiral staircases, the dungeon, and the arrow holes built into the walls the size of golf balls that the English would shoot through, i did what any respectable American tourist would do! Climbed up to the highest point i could get to, took off my shirt, displayed the Irish moon for the world to see and raised my arms over my head screaming at the top of my lungs, "FREEDOM!"

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